November 22, 2021

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

Campaign filters & bids interface

To make the user experience easy and pleasant, we’ve updated Filter and Bid Management screens with some awesome ideas suggested by our client success managers:

  • now attributes catalog has an indication of required lead data – look for the asterix* near the attribute name
  • match types were renamed & there’s also a tooltip now with full explanation

✓ Private Marketplaces

RealPhoneValidation & Mortech integrations for branded pages

The functionality we provide for Branded pages becomes more and more robust. This time we’ve added:

  • RealPhoneValidation – verifies validity of the lead phone number during filling out the form and allows user to fix it before submission. Lead quality goes up!
  • Mortech is another great service allowing to show real-time calculated Interest rate & Annual percentage rates based on the data user provides

✓ PX Open Exchange

Performance updates

To make sure we’re fast, stable and capable enough to meet needs of our clients, we continue improving our platform performance:

  • faster data synchronization across system to deliver you sleeker reports and reduce the wait time
  • reduced time spent on campaign filters processing during the Lead Flow – that allows selling leads faster & having more leads sold at the same amount of time
  • also working on developing disaster recovery mechanisms & enhancing overall security of the platform