November 13, 2019

Ping Post 

When it comes to Ping Post – every millisecond counts. This version we’ve added major improvements to this multi-step process:

  • Caps check during ping request is now done in batches and produces much less processing load. The estimated performance impact is +15%
  • Duplicate checks are now x125 times faster, increasing the overall ping processing performance by 5%

Call tracking and routing

  • Call campaigns Payout section now has an option to configure buyer payment scheme for Repeated calls – to be either paid in full or not paid if a repeated call comes within a certain time frame. 
  • Call offers custom payout settings now allow to re-define payout on a promo number level for each connected campaign. 
  • A lot of other call features are currently in progress, like call routing, more payout settings, concurrent caps, multiple promo numbers per publisher+offer and audit log for campaigns.