March 11, 2021

Lost bids for competitive bidding

When bidding on leads in the Open Exchange or Private Marketplaces, you can now use lost bids in source management to see the amount of leads you lost due to bid price, to another buyer. Leverage lost bids to find sources where increasing bid price will win you more leads.

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

Sell response URL

For directpost publisher configurations, the sell response URL is a parameter passed along the post to fire/report a pixel to tracking software. The following parameters can now be added to the response url: AffiliateData.Id, AffiliateData.OfferId, AffiliateData.SubId, Sub3Id, Sub4Id, Sub5Id, Source.

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

Fixes and improvements

  • Implemented Indexed reporting for system transactions, increasing peak system performance by 60%
  • Source management load time significantly decreased
  • Call campaigns can now cap precisely, even with concurrent calls
  • Call offers promo numbers are released after use, mitigating the risk of incorrect call associations
  • Added several accepted values for the subject field in the Education vertical