July 23, 2020

Call Routing – Hours of Operation

Configure what hours campaigns should receive leads in a friendly interface. Added a new Hours block with two Hours of operation options:

  • Open 24/7 (set by default) – campaign accepts calls 7 days a week without any time limit;
  • Custom – allows selecting which days of the week campaign receives calls and setting Start and Closing time for selected days (9:00 and 18:00 are set by default).

Hours of operation can also be configured on Call offers

  • Open 24/7 (set by default) ,campaign hour setting are still taken into account;
  • Custom – days and hours of operation can be set manually, campaign hour setting are still taken into account;
  • Aggregate (at least 1 active campaign must be connected) – automatically aggregate all hours of campaigns connected, no editing available. Settings are updated each time when scope, status or hours of destination campaigns is changed;
  • Overlap (at least 1 active campaign must be connected) – automatically overlap hours matching for all connected campaigns, no editing available. Settings are updated each time when scope, status or hours of destination campaigns is changed;

If the call is outside of any hours configured, PX will register a NoBuyer response in Transactions call report.

Call Disposition (pre-Alpha)

Buyers can upload call disposition, view campaign goal as well as upload and process files with call disposition data related to this campaign. Call disposition statuses and custom values can be mapped by either Caller ID or Call GUID. Reporting data on call disposition will follow in the upcoming sprints.

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

How to receive leads: API Builder

Buyers can view Live settings of their campaigns, including parameters which differ between test and live environments in order to update buyer integrations quickly and easily.

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

Source performance report

  • Total is displayed instead of n/a in Performance vs Average column;
  • Updated status mapping for the report & Leads overview for consistency;
  • Updated tooltips for Leads Converted, Leads with Intent and Leads Contacted report columns and for Conversion column on Leads overview page for consistency.

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

System Improvements

  • Over a dozen small bugs and inefficiencies fixed. Highlights:
  • Better exports: Optimized lead details export where certain reports failed to export
  • Fixed where certain views of source management would result in empty table data
  • 9 other bug fixes and changes.