December 5, 2019

Ping Post Speed Improvements

We are constantly updating our ping post engine, partly to add more features on a constant basis but also to maximize the overall speed. Speed is everything. More speed means PX can handle more ping volume, more/better monetization for our publishers and minimized pings that are being missed for our buyers due to possible time-outs. In this release more Ping post speed improvements, fresh out of the oven: 

  • Processing time reduction for already existing publisher sub-ids;
  • Disposition statuses refactoring to reduce load on the ping post engine.
  • Ability to manage publisher post time-out settings. This allows for our lead buyers to reduce possible ping forwarding and manage overall ping volume

Call Tracking

Our brand new call platform has been getting a lot of love and our dedication for the last couple of months and we’re creating more call features for the next months, to offer you the same robust and sophistication for calls as we have been offering you for leads! In this release, Call Offers (towards publishers) got extensions for better publisher management:

  • Now call offers support multiple promo dial numbers and you can set this by publisher. Max dial numbers limit can be set in the general setting of the Offer.
  • Added offer custom payouts on a publisher level – it can be set individually for each campaign connected.

Call Campaigns

  • Volume & allocation block was enriched with “Concurrent cap” setting, that allows to regulate how many calls a campaign can receive at a time.
  • All changes in call campaigns are now tracked in Audit log report for better support and visibility.

A compliance snippet for Publishers

Publishers now can get an automated buyer lists updates for their sites by injecting a custom PX code snippet. Contact your account manager for more details.