PX Open Marketplace Surpasses 500 Publishers in its Exchange

Leading Technology Provider for Customer Acquisition Marketers Continues Expansion of Fully Transparent and Open Marketplace.

NEW YORK – April 22, 2019 – PX, the leading marketing technology platform to automate and manage customer acquisition, today announced that its open exchange has reached a milestone with over 500 sources now actively offering leads and calls to buyers.

Additionally, new data from the 2019 PX-Leadscon State of the Industry Survey found that lead buyers who manage more than 10 sources double their likelihood to hit their ROI goals.

PX Open Marketplace Surpasses 500 Publishers in its Exchange

The report also found that those buyers who are managing 40 or more sources hit their target 93% of the time, yet currently, two-thirds of industry buyers are only managing 10 or fewer sources in their campaigns.

“When we set out to create the publisher exchange our objective was to offer lead buyers an open marketplace for high quality leads with complete transparency into where those leads are coming from,” said Bas Offers, Co-founder and COO of PX. “With over 500 sites currently onboard, our path towards creating a more efficient and profitable market for both buyers and sellers is well on its way to redefining the industry.”

The power of the PX platform is truly unlocked when lead buyers also upload their sales data to PX, enabling them to see the complete status of every lead throughout the sales funnel and then optimize campaigns, based on that visibility. This deeper level of insight gives lead marketers a clearer understanding of their campaigns’ success and the ability to make real-time adjustments to focus on the sources and paths that provide the greatest ROI.

According to the recent PX 2019: The State of the Industry Report, this end-to-end measurement, or clear visibility, is a leading factor contributing to the success of marketers to reach their ROI goals. The survey showed that marketers who consistently see and measure conversion throughout their sales funnel are 2-3x more likely to hit their ROI.

Finding and Managing New Sources

The PX exchange also provides marketers with a seamless and cost-effective ecosystem for addressing one of the biggest challenges facing marketers – scaling their success by testing new sources and vendors. Survey data showed nearly three-quarters of marketers failed to reach a 40% success rate in testing new sources.

With a vast and wide variety of vetted and compliant sources, the PX platform can help buyers quickly expand their efforts and reduce the risk in testing new sources. Each publisher on the platform has been vetted by a strict onboarding process to ensure they meet standards of quality and compliance, providing huge savings in time and resources for buyers who need to continuously test in order to scale their campaigns.

Currently, the PX platform supports more than 15 different verticals, across mortgage, personal finance, insurance, solar, home renovation and home services. Each lead generated in the marketplace is carefully matched with the most relevant buyers, based on targeting filters that buyers have chosen through the PX platform.

About PX
PX is the world’s first transparent customer acquisition platform, providing a single marketplace for companies to acquire customers from hundreds of vetted and sought-after sources. The company removes the risk from customer acquisition by providing marketers with easy-to-use solutions and tools to grow and efficiently scale their customer base. PX is active in the Financial Services, Insurance and Home Services industries. Originally established in 2010, PX launched its open marketplace in 2018. Its global headquarters are in New York City, with offices Panama City, Amsterdam, and Odessa, Ukraine.

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