PX Launches Four New Features For Industry’s First Transparent Customer Acquisition Platform

Originally published in MarTechAdvisor on February 22, 2019.

Expanded Visibility, Reporting, and Deeper Sales Funnel Insights Accelerate Marketer ROI.

NEW YORK – February 21, 2019 – PX, the leading marketing technology platform to automate and manage customer acquisition, today announced the launch of a comprehensive suite of new features to the company’s open marketplace. With these enhancements, marketers will gain greater financial control over their customer acquisition campaigns and benefit from a new level of transparency that is lacking throughout the industry.

“When we introduced our open marketplace in the fall, clients were thrilled at the newfound level of transparency into their leads and calls campaigns,” said Frans van Hulle, CEO and Co-founder of PX. “Since then, we’ve expanded the platform’s capabilities by seeking their input on both individual preferences, and industry needs, to address the broad need for insight to make informed decisions and the instantaneous ability to act on those decisions.”

New Features to the PX Platform:

  • Source Transparency: Users can now see exactly where every lead is coming from, down to the individual URL, with viewability of the actual forms being completed.
  • Budget Allocation: PX now provides marketers even greater control over lead and call campaigns by allowing them to specifically define their spend on traffic type, source and site, and enabling them to allocate and test new sources. This feature empowers platform users to closely manage their budgets and it offers a real-time mechanism to adapt campaigns, increasing or scaling back when necessary to optimize performance.
  • Disposition Data Integration: Platform users can share their proprietary sales data (disposition data) to the PX platform. Integrated results connect front of funnel (lead) results with sales, creating complete visibility into every campaign’s performance. Updates can occur daily to allow for complete tracking of every lead from acquisition through the close of a sale, providing a direct correlation between media spent and customers obtained.
  • Data Visualization: The PX platform now offers a full visual representation of a marketer’s sales funnel with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) embedded to demonstrate campaign performance.
The new product features amplify the capabilities of what is already the first and only programmatic marketplace and conversion optimization toolkit for customer acquisition marketers. PX clients have a single source to find new customers and implement campaigns with less risk, greater precision, at scale, and with greater ROI.

PX Launches Four New Features For Industry’s First Transparent Customer Acquisition Platform

“Good customer acquisition campaigns are built around full transparency and the ability to make real-time decisions based on hard data. Our clients have been overwhelmingly positive about the tools we’re putting into their hands, creating what some of them have called the first real, performance-based DSP,” continued van Hulle.

About PX
PX is the world’s first transparent customer acquisition platform, providing a single marketplace for companies to acquire customers from hundreds of vetted and sought-after sources. The company removes the risk from customer acquisition by providing marketers with easy-to-use solutions and tools to grow and efficiently scale their customer base. PX is active in the Financial Services, Insurance and Home Services industries. Originally established in 2010, PX launched its open marketplace in 2018. Its global headquarters are in New York City, with offices Panama City, Amsterdam, and Odessa, Ukraine.