PX Granted U.S. Patent for Lead Scoring Technology

SANTA ANA, CA – PX, the marketing technology platform to automate and manage lead generation activities, announced the issuance of US Patent No. 9,785,956, which relates to the method of lead scoring. The patent covers the proprietary lead scoring technology in PX’s platform, which qualifies leads on over 30 data points in milliseconds.

PX’s algorithms validate, verify and score each lead in real-time and predict the lead quality with a relative score. This score is used to determine which advertiser will receive that lead and is matched with the advertiser’s requirements. As a result, PX customers see an instant increase in lead quality as they scale with full insight into the quality of the lead sources. This cutting-edge technology creates an objective way for marketers and advertisers to evaluate the quality of new lead sources. “One of our core pillars is transparency, and PX’s lead scoring is the embodiment of this within our platform,” said PX Vice President, Jeff Deisner.

Through machine learning, PX’s lead scoring algorithms are constantly adapting their scoring mechanism based on historical and disposition data received back from the advertisers, which allow for more accurate scoring. To date, over 40 million leads have been scored.

PX’s lead scoring provides a level of transparency not seen before in the space. “At PX we strive to be the pioneer and innovator within the lead generation industry and with this technical development, we can also help protect our customers,” stated Frans van Hulle, PX CEO.

The grant of the patent provides further recognition of the dedication to innovation being carried out by the PX team. 

About PX

PX is an advanced performance marketing platform designed to streamline, automate, and manage lead generation activities. Backed by patented lead scoring technology and ping post capabilities, PX provides solutions to grow and scale efficiently. The company is the result of 6 years of development and boasts a team of 22 developers, one of the largest in the industry.

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