February 19, 2021

Call Filter Results

Transaction calls report: A new Filtered by column explains what happened to calls that weren’t routed to buyers. If there are multiple filtering results, the reason with the highest priority is displayed. The following results are available (sorted by priority):

  • Filtered by ZIP
  • Filtered by State
  • Filtered by Hour
  • Daily Cap reached
  • Weekly Cap reached
  • Monthly Cap reached
  • No linked campaigns
  • Inactive Campaign
  • Private Source
  • Repeated Call
  • Concurrent Cap reached
  • Filtered by Publisher
  • Filtered by Promo number

✓ PX Open Exchange ✓ Private Marketplaces

Page content optimizations

We’ve identified cases where certain pages would return no data and have been resolved

  • Campaigns overview: Fixed cache-related issue when the page was loading slowly
  • Campaigns overview: Fixed cache-related issue when no campaigns were displayed for the current day when filtered by Buyer
  • Leads overview: Fixed an issue when no leads were displayed for the day before
  • Fixed an issue when pagination wasn’t displayed

Page load speed optimizations

The following pages now load faster

  • Source performance report
  • Source management

Fixes and improvements

Payout & Filter management: Now Input field for attribute ZIP code works correctly with In a list match type, as well as in Custom regions in Call offer settings and Call campaign settings