Best Practices for Landing Pages

Landing pages provide an essential bridge between bringing visitors to your website and enabling them to take action, for example by submitting a lead or making a purchase. That’s why it’s absolutely vital that your landing pages are optimized to attract as many high-quality leads as possible.

Landing pages, also known as lead capture page, are referring mediums that direct visitors from certain offers to you, for example via e-mail offers, social media marketing, pay-per-click or organic search. Since most visitors are directed via a certain set of keywords, the most important start in designing a landing page should be “what are people looking for?”, “who do I want to reach”, “what do I have to offer”.

You should be able to visualize the answers to these questions in a simple way that is appealing to users. If a visitor land on a page that seems relevant to their search, there is less of a chance of a “bounce” to occur. Bounces are visitors that click on a page but only stay for a few seconds to return to their search, i.e. a wasted click if you pay clicks. Designing a very successful landing page is an art, but there are some basics to keep in mind.

Keep your house-style

Your landing page should be kept in the same style as your website so that you can immediately create brand awareness. Whatever the look or the feel of your website, incorporate it into the design of your landing page. If you need help creating a branded page, click here to learn more about our Branded Flows!

Include Visuals

Visitors are much more likely to stay on your landing page if it contains little text and appealing visuals. Put yourself in the shoes of the user: You want to be able to understand what you can do without having to read a lot of small text explaining everything in detail. If they are beautifully designed and nice to look at are much more likely to retain visitors.

Create a compelling Call to Action (CTA)

To make it easier for your visitors to know what they can do on your landing page, create a concise and engaging call-to-action. Try to sum up the special thing about your offer. Can your prospects save money? Say it! Is your product different or special? Tell them. The most important thing is to keep it simple and short, so that the visitor knows what he’s in for without having to read lengthy explanations of what he or she can do with your offer.

Read more:  5 Steps to Increase Conversions and Performance of Your Leads

Incorporate a form into your Landing Page

In lead generation, getting the visitor to submit correct information is the most important aim. Whether it’s their name, contact details or other information you need, you will need some kind of information to follow-up and close a deal. In order to keep your visitors on your landing page without overwhelming them with too many questions, it’s better to direct your visitors to a form, so you don’t lose momentum in keeping the conversation going.

Be compliant

Whenever you ask for personal information, it is very important that you comply with privacy or data protection regulations so that your visitors know their data is safe with you.

A/B Split Test

Not sure which CTA works best? Trying to figure out if one visual is more effective than another? There’s only one answer: test, test, and test. The only way to really optimize your landing pages is to do a lot of A/B split-testing. By split-testing, you can observe which version attracts more visitors, and higher-quality leads.

When it comes to lead generation, the most important aim of landing pages is for visitors to submit leads. Every visual, word and button should have a purpose and help to move visitors through the process of submitting their information. Moreover, once you are testing your landing pages, you can also fine-tune your targeting by identifying search terms and keywords that get you high-quality traffic. You can then target those segments with optimized landing pages and offers.

There’s no better way to improve your customer acquisition.