Aggregators Take a Back Seat in Customer Acquisition Marketing

Since we launched PX in September, we embarked on a journey that is rooted in technology. Technology that provides marketers with the tools they need to acquire customers in a transparent manner, to more easily access and manage a wide variety of sources, and to leverage analytics to make better business decisions. Nine months into this journey we’ve made tremendous strides and it has become clear that the old way of doing business through aggregation is over.


PX Launches Four New Features For Industry’s First Transparent Customer Acquisition Platform

PX’s entire approach is not about (and goes far beyond) just aggregating and selling leads. In fact, we don’t sell leads. Publishers sell leads directly to marketers and advertisers. Aggregators collect and sell leads — also to marketers — in a brokered fashion.

At PX, we are the vehicle that empowers those marketers with an ability to acquire qualified leads without risk, directly connected to publishers and without intermediaries.

PX is a lead exchange marketplace – a platform used to connect thousands of advertisers and publishers in an open exchange. We don’t sell the leads and we don’t determine payouts. However, we do qualify every lead acquired through our exchange so that buyers can bid with confidence. PX serves as a matchmaker that helps buyers find the leads that are most relevant to their business.

Since we launched the first open marketplace for buyers to acquire leads, our customer acquisition platform has helped countless marketers track their campaigns with end-to-end visibility into their sales funnel and make real-time adjustments. That visibility and those adjustments matter, because they drive success.

Why did we do this? Traditional aggregation simply doesn’t address the need to properly screen leads, and it results in a tremendous amount of waste. There is little to no transparency into where those leads are coming from and no assurances that those leads haven’t been sold to countless other buyers. It’s strictly about volume and it’s what has held back the industry for years.

Beyond our marketplace, PX offers the tools and technology to help marketers launch efficient campaigns, determine proper pricing for the leads they acquire and track those leads throughout the entire sales funnel. We simplify the on-boarding process and help save advertisers and publishers time through an integrated system that connects lead sources and partners.

In the end, marketers must decide whether or not to continue down the road of mass sourcing leads from sources with no insights into where those leads came from or if they are have been shopped around to other buyers. Their other option is to engage in an open marketplace where performance and economics dictate cost with little to no risk as to where those leads came from. The technology and resources are available and it’s time to set a new standard for customer acquisition campaigns.

About PX
PX is the world’s first transparent customer acquisition platform, providing a single marketplace for companies to acquire customers from hundreds of vetted and sought-after sources. The company removes the risk from customer acquisition by providing marketers with easy-to-use solutions and tools to grow and efficiently scale their customer base. PX is active in the Financial Services, Insurance and Home Services industries. Originally established in 2010, PX launched its open marketplace in 2018. Its global headquarters are in New York City, with offices Panama City, Amsterdam, and Odessa, Ukraine.

There’s no better way to improve your customer acquisition.